Thursday, September 15, 2011


It is time for Rick and I to move on and leave Tahoe behind for a new adventure. Although I will be very sad to leave this country home, I am excited at what lies ahead. This home away from home was very healing for us at a time that our hearts were begging for some relief, a time when our home was filled with college kids and long weekends. That time has faded away the children are grown and living the life of grown adults with families on the way and careers.
Another mountain retreat is in our future but in a different sort of way near different mountains and lakes. Nearer to brothers and sisters and many noisy children. My heart is open to this new change. Good bye Tahoe Donner my heart thanks you .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The passing of time

I think it was yesterday that I couldn't breath or think or ever imagine that I would again, I was just floating thru the days. Ten years has passed and I do breath and I can imagine and dream. But I never, ever forget.
Welcome to Tista's Tales a happy place to visit.