Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where does the time go?

Oh, It has been so very long since my last post, I have been to Palm Springs, Phoenix and Lake Tahoe since I last sat at my keyboard and shared some thoughts. It seems that so much can happen in such a short time! I have missed being home here at "Queen Anne Cottage". I missed my garden ( which there really isn't much of since I have been gone so much), my art work and just doing a little fluffing at home.

I know this may surprise some but Rick and I have actually been kicking around the idea of moving. I'm not sure if it is something I could actually follow thru on, maybe it's just fun to talk about a change.

I feel I need a little change and a project, not that I don't have a stack of projects in my head. I have a wedding coming and loads of ideas, a Russian River house I haven't even begun to play in yet ( contractor is holding me up) and a remodel here at home I'm pretty sure will never be done ( Hubby holding me up) , and the list goes on and on......

I have thoughts of my contractor/hubby building me a studio/shed in the back. Yes, I think that might be a good plan. I think I shall start today!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Vancouver BC

Vancouver BC a wonderful city to wander. I look forward to returning in the Fall.
Artigiano Cafe on Thudrow St.
Granville Island Market Place, a huge farmers market with fruits, meats, pastas, cheese.
Spring flowers, even though it was very cold for a Californian
Button Button on Homer Street a delightful collections of new and vintage buttons.
I'd like to share some of my favorites in Vancouver BC

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Count down!

I just thought that I should remind everyone that there are only 8 more shopping days. Now those of you who know me know exactly what I am talking about. At any time in the next 8 days any of you may call the cottage and I will gladly share a shopping list.

I do feel the need to share my two most precious gifts with you. The first was a hug, a simple, beautiful hug that I will never forget. Thank you Tim. The second was Miss Emma sharing this day with me, like a gift. Again thank you Tim.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Portland places

The farm Cafe the yummiest of yummy meals.
The Grotto
The Grotto
The Button Emporium and Ribbonry SW Taylor Street
Out and about
Cargo on NW 13th Ave
The Porch Light on Mississippi delightful vintage treasures.
Pistil's Nursery
Pistil's Nursery on Mississippi
Back to the cottage from 8 days of wandering the streets of Portland. These are a few of my favorites.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The "villa"

We are home from moving our only daughter to the Palm Springs area 500 miles away. Needless to say I am having irrational fears, but speaking as a mother who has traveled many miles in a few years I think it is normal!

So Rick and I spent 5 days helping Kate to get her"villa" homey. Shopping, fluffing and unpacking was how we spent those days. I must say Rick was a trooper, shopping (which he hates) and paying ( which he is also not so fond of) Kate and I dragged him everywhere from Costco, Khols, Cost Plus, Home Depot, Best Buy....and the rest are all a blur. We then parked him back at the "villa" with a screw driver and hammer to put every thing together. Does anything come assembled anymore!

The "villa" is very nice and spacious, approx. 1200 square feet of living space. I do feel the need to tell you that I am not the one that named it the "villa" , it came with that name. It is very different than the "cottage" so the "villa" works well with my new European flare!

It was very hard for me at first not to give too many of my opinions on how things should be done and where to place them. I quickly learned that it is best to wait until asked your thoughts before giving them ( I am going to work on that). Several time thru the days I moved things my way to have Kate ask " did you move that?" It seems so odd to think my little girl(26) has a real home of her own. It will take some getting use to. But I think it will be great for her.

The best of luck to Kate, her new home and her new job ( OR Nurse) and her new city. Miss me.
Love you ....


Friday, March 5, 2010


I heard this quote today and felt that it spoke to me.

"Hope is a thing with feathers that perches in the soul,
and sings the tune without words,
and never stops at all."

Emily Dickenson

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Empty empty nest

Yes, when I say I have an empty nest I mean it. As I mentioned in my last post my little girl is moving to Palm Springs for a new job. She is packing her boxes but with several of my things! I have always wanted her to enjoy my things I was just hoping she would enjoy my things in my home. For example my new Anthropologie shower curtain, still in the bag...gone. My favorite old lamp and new lamp shade...gone. My cute little candle holder with the handle...gone. And the list goes on... So what is a mother to do I ask you?

She just smiles, gives her little girl a hug and hopes her home is a safe cozy place for her at the end of the day.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Empty Nest

Things are a little hectic here at "the cottage" our Kate has gotten a job in the O.R. in Palm Springs. She has rented a "Villa" in La Quinta and is going to be moving very soon to set up her own home and start her career.

Now I ask ,could a Palm Springs "Villa" be any different than an English cottage?

We have been shopping madly to gather things for her new home. She has also placed post-it-notes on the things she plans to take with her. Last evening when Rick arrived home from work there was a post-it-note attached to Bentley's collar . We are going to share custody of our sweet Labrador, he will summer with us in Millbrae and Tahoe and winter in Palm Springs with Kate.

It will be very quiet here at "the cottage", I am not sure how I will like that. I guess there will be a lot of yarn shopping and crocheting.

Cheers for now,

Monday, February 22, 2010

So all is well, things are getting back to normal after our dinner party. 657 of our closest friends came to celebrate our Tim with us.

Today was a beautiful sunny day here at "the cottage". The kind of day that makes you start thinking about your garden. I must say I am still too tired to do anything but think! I did have a lovely afternoon sitting and crocheting the newest blanket I am working on for our little River cabin. So all was not lost. Until next time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Queen Anne Cottage

I have decided that I should start referring to home as "the cottage" since that is what I would do if I actually lived in England. I do feel that this would be justified seeing as I have a plaque on the front of my home that I purchased in London a few years back that reads" Queen Anne Cottage" .
I do in fact live on Queen Anne Court and my home is small like a cottage (by California standards that is). So there it has been settled and justified I now live in "the cottage" on Queen Anne Court!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In search of my little English cottage I had something like this in mind. Charming on the outside with a little garden to tend. Cozy on the inside with a big pine dresser filled with wonderful handmade pottery ,a biscuit jar on the kitchen counter filled with delicious shortbread cookies to enjoy by the fire with my tea.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A few important factors

First let me say Happy Valentine's Day. As I was lying in bed this morning selfishly thinking about my Valentine's treat a thought popped in my head " what if there isn't a Tiffany Co in all of England" I shall be very sad!
Another thought "what if there is not an Anthropologie" I shall be very very sad! But I am sure it would only be proper to find a favorite British store that is equally as nice. Although I would really miss Tiffany Co and Anthro!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Welcome to Tista's Tales a new adventure for me. A light hearted, fun me. I know you are thinking to yourself " could this be the same woman I know?"

Yes, it is me and I promise this is going to be fun.

I have decided that I should share with you my thoughts for today. I have decided that I would like to be British. I do love England , cottages and the charming way the British live. So I have decided I shall try for a start to be a little British.

I am not quite sure yet how to do this ,so I will have to do a little research before I take the plunge. You'll see it will be a whole new me. Not that I think there is anything wrong with the old me, but I am thinking of this as an adventure. We will see. I will check back soon.
Cheers for now,
Welcome to Tista's Tales a happy place to visit.