Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where does the time go?

Oh, It has been so very long since my last post, I have been to Palm Springs, Phoenix and Lake Tahoe since I last sat at my keyboard and shared some thoughts. It seems that so much can happen in such a short time! I have missed being home here at "Queen Anne Cottage". I missed my garden ( which there really isn't much of since I have been gone so much), my art work and just doing a little fluffing at home.

I know this may surprise some but Rick and I have actually been kicking around the idea of moving. I'm not sure if it is something I could actually follow thru on, maybe it's just fun to talk about a change.

I feel I need a little change and a project, not that I don't have a stack of projects in my head. I have a wedding coming and loads of ideas, a Russian River house I haven't even begun to play in yet ( contractor is holding me up) and a remodel here at home I'm pretty sure will never be done ( Hubby holding me up) , and the list goes on and on......

I have thoughts of my contractor/hubby building me a studio/shed in the back. Yes, I think that might be a good plan. I think I shall start today!
Welcome to Tista's Tales a happy place to visit.